Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
134 lines
cseg segment para public 'code'
org 100h
; Copyright 1983 Data Base Decisions
; This program is used as a header for an EXE file to load it
; faster. It is copied onto the front of an EXE file as follows:
; copy exetocom.bin/b+prog.exe/b newprog.com, where prog.exe is your
; program. The resulting COM file must be less than 64K.
jumploc equ 0efh ; jump to psp for copy
exetocom proc far
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,ss:nothing,es:nothing
mov si,offset endprog ; end of this prog
mov ax,[si] ; get EXE signature
cmp ax,5a4dh ; exe file?
jz p010 ; yes
mov dx,offset errmsg1
p005: mov ah,9
int 21h
int 20h ; terminate
mov ax,si
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl ; # of pghs in this prog
mov bx,ds
add ax,bx ; seg of exe header
add ax,[si+8] ; plus header size (pghs)
mov oseg,ax ; gives orig exe start seg
mov ax,cs ; get new exe start seg
add ax,10h
mov nseg,ax
mov ax,[si+10h] ; check stack placement
mov cl,4 ; get stack size
shr ax,cl ; convert to pghs
add ax,nseg ; add base seg
add ax,[si+0eh] ; and sp offset
mov bx,2
mov bx,[bx] ; get top of memory
cmp bx,ax ; room for the stack?
jae p015 ; yes
mov dx,offset errmsg2
jmp p005
p015: mov ax,nseg
mov bx,si
add bx,[si+18h] ; first relocation item
mov cx,[si+6] ; # of items
jcxz p030 ; none
p020: mov dx,[bx+2] ; get code seg
add dx,oseg ; add old start seg
mov es,dx ; in es
mov di,[bx] ; set instruction in es
add es:[di],ax ; add new start seg
add bx,4 ; do another
loop p020 ; done?
p030: push si ; pass control
push cs
pop es ; set es = cs
mov di,jumploc ; copy copycode to psp
mov si,offset copycode
mov cx,17
rep movsb
pop si
mov ax,nseg ; new prog seg
add ax,[si+16h] ; plus cs offset gives new cs
push ax ; save it
mov ax,[si+14h] ; new ip
push ax ; save it
push ds ; save ds & es
push ds
mov ax,nseg ; new prog seg
mov es,ax ; point to new seg
xor di,di ; offset 0
add ax,[si+0eh] ; plus stack seg offset
push ax ; save new ss
mov ax,[si+10h] ; set sp
push ax ; save it
mov bx,[si+4] ; get exe size (pages)
mov ax,[si+8] ; get header size (pghs)
mov cl,5
shr ax,cl ; convert pghs to pages
sub bx,ax ; prog size (pages)
mov cl,8
shl bx,cl ; convert pages to words
mov cx,bx ; repeat count for copy
mov ax,oseg
mov ds,ax ; point to old seg
xor si,si ; offset 0
mov bx,jumploc
jmp bx ; jump to copycode
copycode equ this byte
rep movsw ; copied code
pop ax ; for sp
pop bx ; for ss
pop es ; restore es
pop ds ; restore ds
pop cx ; for ip
pop dx ; for cs
mov ss,bx ; set new stack
mov sp,ax
push dx ; push cs & ip
push cx
ret 0 ; go to the exe prog
errmsg1 db 'EXE header not found',10,13,'$'
errmsg2 db 'Program too large',10,13,'$'
oseg dw 0 ; original exe prog seg
nseg dw 0 ; new prog seg
endprog equ this word ; must be on a paragraph boundary!
exetocom endp
cseg ends
end exetocom